Thursday, October 23, 2008

Our first sicky

Well, we knew it would happen. A week after 'Phia started day care she got sick. She had RSV which is basically a really bad cold. But in little kiddles it's harder for them to cough up the lung butter that gets produced so our peditrician sent us the the hospital. She was there 3 days getting nebbed, suctioned and prodded. It was stressful, exhausting, tearful and not so much fun. But, what matters is that the staff at Medical City helped our tadpole on the way to a full recovery. She's still a little sicky and she gave it to Chris and I (someone needs to tell that girl to cover her mouth when she coughs)but in a week or so we'll all be back to our good health. Just in time for mommy to use her to get free halloween candy!

Here are some pics of her hospital stay. We made her a little nest in her bed out of blankets so she'd be super cozy.

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