Sunday, March 15, 2009


Learning to eat

It's a work in progress!

First Swim

'Phia's first 'swim' was this weekend at the Dedman Center.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

'Doori + 'Phia = heart

'Doori loves 'Phia so much it's crazy. And now 'Phia's getting to where she can return the the form of chewing on her tail...and clumsy, chubby handed petting. Here is a collection of 'D&P' pics.
'Phia's still on the inside in this pic but 'Doori still likes to nap next to her.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Lunch at Mariano's

Alex and 'Phia- "Look at our feet"

Family Farm Weekend

We converged on the family farm in Crockett a few weekends ago and it was babies galore! Connor had a blast with his sistah's and cousin.